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October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month.

Updated: Oct 12, 2022

With cybersecurity awareness month upon us now is a good time to learn how to secure your business' data. The world we live in now is more connected than ever. We use the internet in our every day lives and we must do our part to keep safe and secure. Just one human error is all it takes. National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, is observed each October and is an annual campaign to increase our awareness about cybersecurity to keep our information safe.

Here are 5 tips to keep you safe in cyber space!

  1. Don't press "remind me later" on crucial software updates. Cyber attackers target vulnerable systems with old antiquated security to access your clients sensitive information. The last thing you want is your company to be held liable for a data breach and open up to class action suits. Let Intellikor use it vulnerability risk assessment to help you stay safe in cyber space.

  2. Recognize and report phishing attacks through SMS or TEXT or Email and DO NOT Click on Links from recipients you do not recognize.

  3. USE PASSWORD GENERATORS OR MANAGERS. Strong passwords are the first and foremost line of defense in cyberattacks. Employees like to use passwords they can easily remember which weakens this line of defense. Always use a secure password with at least 16 characters long, made up of a unique mix of lower and upper case letters, symbols, numbers and special characters.

  4. Enable two factor Authentication. It is always a good idea to add that extra layer of security for two factor authentication whenever you log in to secure data.

  5. Protect Data and use secure wifi. Don't share the wifi password with anyone, if you want guests to access the internet make a guest wifi with very limited access to your network. When outside of work and accessing client data, use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to protect your data. Do not just use any free WIFI that is open to attacks. Finally store and back up data with approved storage devices or cloud access with encryption.

Intellikor sets up cybersecurity protocols and provides ongoing management to keep your business safe and protected. With threat detection and our operational readiness program we are ready to review your environment for known deficiencies based on industries best practices.

Intellikor is elite cybersecurity experience and the most cost effective way to insure your business is protected from cyber threats. For more information or for a free consultation on cybersecurity and how to protect your business please contact us below.

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